Cultivate Intangibles





ONICA is a knitwear label that aspires to add colours to the inner mind and external attire of people close to us.   

By reflecting daily scenes that echo through our hearts onto the design, we create long lasting clothes that encapsulate ‘lingering emotions’.   

Knitwear design is conducted through distinctive and consistent processes such as yarn selection, stitch construction, tension adjustment, pattern making and texture manipulation. By handling each step with care, we make an annual collection along with Japanese knitters. 


黒沢秋乃 – 新潟生まれ・山梨育ち。多摩美術大学テキスタイルデザイン専攻卒業後、フィンランドのアールト大学大学院ファッションデザイン科を修了。フィンランドで人々の生活に根付いているニットと出会う。在学中にイエール国際モードフェスティバルのファイナリストに選出。ヘルシンキファッションウィーク、パリファッションウィーク、北京フィンランド大使館、21_21DESIGN SIGHT等で作品を発表。帰国しニット企画会社にて経験を積んだ後、2020年よりONICAをスタート。2021年2月JFLFアワード受賞。 


Akino Kurosawa Born in Niigata, raised in Yamanashi, Japan. She earned BFA in Textile Design at Tama Art University in Japan, and MA in Fashion Design at Aalto University in Finland. It was when she was in Finland that she discovered knits that are rooted in Finnish people’s life. While completing her MA, she was chosen as a finalist in Hyères International Festival of Fashion. Her works were featured in Helsinki fashion week, Paris fashion week, Embassy of Finland in Beijing, 21_21DESIGN SITE in Tokyo, and so on.  After returning from Finland to Japan, she worked at a knit planning company for a few years, followed by establishing her own knitwear-focused label ONICA in 2020. She was awarded JFLF Award in February 2021.